We are Flexi.

Flexi is building the home of the future. To do this, we’re challenging everything we previously thought about housing and redefining what a home could be. We’re creating flexible architecture so a home can grow and change with its users. Flexi is built for change.

We know how hard it is for Kiwis to get into their own home, and many may never have the opportunity to own a house. There’s an ever-growing need for more high quality housing in New Zealand and this isn’t helped by the fact that the construction industry is structured for one-off builds. The traditional onsite construction process doesn’t lend itself to fast construction or cost certainty.

Upon returning to our shores after a stint in London and encountering the New Zealand housing market first-hand, Flexi founder André Heller saw an opportunity for innovation. Utilising his background as a product designer and knowledge of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) from his time abroad, André set about finding an alternative to conventional construction, and Flexi was born as a vessel for change.

Flexi is a component-based system that enables a house to be built in stages, so you can build what you need when you need it and get into your home sooner. Staged building offers lower upfront costs than buying a full-sized family home and allows a mortgage to be paid off faster whilst saving in interest. These savings can be unlocked by purchasing a Flexi and gradually modifying it throughout its first-use lifecycle, with the ability to add and remove living spaces as necessary. The Flexi system gives Kiwis easier access to housing and the ability to build a home around their lifestyle.

Not just faster, but better. Flexi offers a high performance envelope that keeps its occupants warm, dry and comfortable. Built to achieve Homestar 6 or greater, Flexi is the ideal choice for those wanting to live in an energy efficient, healthy home. Our clients can breathe easy knowing their home is constructed from environmentally friendly materials that are sustainable, free from nasty chemicals, and warm to the touch. Moreover, Flexi houses will be carbon negative due to the predominant use of natural and renewable materials such as timber and sheep’s wool, by not using concrete, and by mitigating steel elements. Then at the end of life, the components of a Flexi can be dismantled into raw materials and recycled without cross contamination.

Many houses built offsite can look like temporary dwellings and high-performance homes often compromise aesthetics. At Flexi, aesthetics are a key design driver. Flexi’s iconic gable form, paired with clean architectural detailing and vertical shiplap timber cladding, gives the design a modern, desirable aesthetic that homeowners can be proud of. Flexi looks like the forever home you always wanted.

Since early 2021, Flexi has been making steady progress towards our first build and proof of concept. We have been developing a system of components that allows us to build custom floorplans. These wall, floor, and roof panels are prefabricated off-site. A weathertight enclosure can be assembled on-site within two weeks. Our first build is for Forest Lodge Orchard in Cromwell. We’re working closely with them to deliver a staged build using our component-based system and prove that there’s room to grow within the construction industry.

To stay up to date with our developments subscribe below or to find out more, visit Flexi.


Proof of Concept.