Home of the Future.

At Flexi House, we're working to build a better future for people and the planet. We believe that the home of tomorrow will be flexible - able to adapt to its inhabitants' needs without sacrificing comfort, aesthetics or the environment.

We've designed a building system that can be efficiently manufactured and easily assembled by builders all over Aotearoa with minimal waste. We hope to help provide high-quality housing for Kiwis - something that the current housing market lacks.

In 2019, Habitat for Humanity found that three hundred thousand homes in this country were cold, damp and uninsulated. The updated Building Code H1 (Energy Efficiency) will certainly raise the standards of new builds, but at Flexi we believe in pushing beyond the bare minimum.


The idea of the home of tomorrow is not a new one. Many have dreamed of the day when houses could be built quickly and cheaply with minimal waste.

Offsite construction - the way Flexi panels are built - is not a new idea. In fact, it is commonplace in Europe, with up to 85% of Sweden's residential sector being serviced by the offsite industry.

However, most Kiwi homes are still being built by traditional methods: one stick at a time. It is our mission at Flexi to change that by redefining and challenging how New Zealand builds houses.

What we're up against

There is a significant shortage of quality housing in Aotearoa. To build a better future for our people, we need to increase the supply of quality housing.

Traditional construction methods are not scalable, but Flexi House is: it's a system of standardised housing components that can be mass manufactured and decentralised across multiple factories and assembled on-site, achieving scale while also future-proofing what we build by nature of its interchangeable, redeployable panels.

After all, what is the home of the future if not future-proof?

How we do things

When you think of a house, the first thing that comes to mind is likely the design of its exterior and interior spaces. But what about the way it's built? The materials and processes used to construct a home are every bit as important as how it looks.

Traditional construction methods typically employ a craft approach whereby each component is made by hand or by small teams of workers who specialize in specific tasks - from laying foundations to installing electrical wiring.

Yet this method has significant drawbacks: it can be time-consuming, costly and inefficient; not only does it require skilled labour but materials need to be transported from site to site which means additional costs for transportation and storage space are incurred throughout all stages of construction.

The Flexi difference

Offsite construction in the New Zealand residential market typically consists of volumetric construction of modules or whole envelopes (buildings) that are built on a project-by-project basis and transported to site on the back of a truck.

The building is then constrained to the size that can fit on a truck, and typically falls short of what many would consider a desirable ‘real home solution’.

Apart from staying out of the weather, this approach fails to take advantage of the multitude of additional benefits that offsite manufacturing offers.

Flexi's offsite manufacturing strategy takes advantage of production line techniques similar to those used in manufacturing industries such as car manufacturing or aerospace engineering.

Our floor, wall and roof panels are made on specialty machines which allow us to produce repeatable units at high volumes and across projects rather than just focusing on one project at a time like traditional construction.

In this way, we can achieve scale and manufacture our panels more efficiently, justifying the additional overheads that are inexorably linked to running a factory.


These are exciting times. The home of the future is coming, and we want to be part of making it happen. Flexi House is sustainable, high-performing, and quick to build—and it’s all possible because of our unique design. We hope that by sharing what we know about the future of houses with you, we can inspire others who share our vision for a better tomorrow.

Flexi is currently taking expressions of interest from early adopter clients in the Wellington, Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago regions. If you are looking for an innovative solution to housing for an upcoming project, please get in touch.


Configurable Design.

